I think the key to taking care of ourselves in this complicated time is to focus on the fundamentals of self-care, except when we can’t–when the best way to take care of ourselves is to let that all go. The real skill is discerning which act of self-love is needed in any given moment, and to toggle between the two. Where we get it wrong is being polarized in two camps that think it’s always one way or the other–virtuous kale goddess vs. treat yo’self with a side of contempt for self-care. When you have the energy or the dire need for it, take excellent care of yourself: prioritize sleep, eat real food, avoid fake food, find ways of having social connection, connect to nature, move your body, and get some sunshine. And then, any time it’s not possible to pitch a perfect game of nutrition and good sleep, let it go, and be gentle with yourself about it. Remind yourself that you can handle some failures of self-care–your body is not that fragile. The real skill is in discerning which is the more radical act of self-love in any given moment–sometimes it’s sunshine and sleep, and sometimes it’s cookies on the couch. Don’t get too rigidly stuck in one approach or the other.
Photo Credit: Deborah Barak