Seeing everyone returning from burning man has got me reflecting on lessons I learned from that magical experience.
- The most important thing any of us can ever do is connect with other humans.
- Removing phones, computers, and commerce help set the stage for us to connect in real life.
- The burning man principle of “radical inclusivity” should just be the philosophy all the time. In junior high, we’re effectively taught how to carry out radical exclusivity in order to pin down friendships and establish our place in the hierarchy of “cool.” It’s the literal worst. When we practice radical inclusivity, we move past the cool hierarchy and just show up open-hearted for everyone. It also makes us more comfortable approaching others.
- Gifting takes us out of our scarcity mindset. When you’re surrounded by generosity, it becomes easier to be generous. And we’re all happier when we’re giving to others.
- Radical self-expression. Full stop. Aren’t we all just here to be as authentically ourselves as we could possibly be? If you haven’t already dropped the need to look/act/pose/speak/work/earn a certain way to please others, I invite you to begin this very second.
- Everyone looks good when coated in a layer of fine dust.