Stepping out of my comfort zone today to riff on the state of being a woman in our country today. One small bite of an enormous topic.
13 Steps to Managing Postpartum Sadness, Anxiety & Overwhelm
Original article in mindbodygreen

Image: Holly Clark
The postpartum period is an incredibly vulnerable time. Countless new moms are sitting in their gliders right now, isolated at home, surrounded by spit-up and burp cloths, delirious with sleep deprivation, nerves frayed from the confusing cries of their infants, and feeling overwhelmed, sad, anxious, and alone.
Every time this happens to a new mom, I feel we have failed as a culture. It’s normal to experience the transition of becoming a mom as a complicated mix of joy and an unexpected gut punch, but when a mom is isolated and feeling like her sadness and anxiety are about to swallow her whole, there is more we can be doing to support this mom. Here are the steps I find most helpful in my holistic psychiatry practice…
Chronic UTI’s? Perhaps You Should Squat
This post is full of TMI and awkward concepts, but it’s super important. I come across so many women with urinary symptoms in my practice, and I’m starting to wonder if the toilet itself plays a role in the problem.
A Call For Mothers Everywhere To Drop Their Self-Judgment
Just my plea for women to reconnect with their intuition and recognize that we’re doing our best and it’s all we can do!