Originally published in mindbodygreen

by Ellen Vora, MD on / Share
Originally published in mindbodygreen
by Ellen Vora, MD on / Share
Take these 3 steps to sleep better starting tonight.
by Ellen Vora, MD on / Share
In a word… probably.
by Ellen Vora, MD on / Share
When I overhear myself and other women, we seem to be in a constant state of apologizing for our existence. It’s not serving us. With one foot squarely on humility, it’s time to open to our own divinity. Strike the balance between humility and recognizing our light and sharing it with the world. #sorrynotsorry
by Ellen Vora, MD on / Share
Original article published in The Temper
Image by Miachel Breton
I’m a holistic psychiatrist, and a question I often get is: What does that even mean?
It’s basically a term a few rebellious psychiatrists use to describe the way we practice, which is to take the whole person into consideration—including what you eat, how you sleep, your relationships, your connection with nature, creativity, and spirituality. We don’t merely diagnose and medicate; we think globally about what gets out of balance in every corner of your life, so we can gently shift things back into balance to support your wellness.
by Ellen Vora, MD on / Share
Original article published in mindbodygreen
By Gretchen Lidicker – mbg Health Editor
…What if I told you that there was one change that would be, for lack of a better word, a game-changer? It’s incredibly simple and also difficult as hell to implement—but some of our experts say it might just transform your health.
It’s going to bed at 10 p.m.
by Ellen Vora, MD on / Share
If you want to take care of your health, it may require making some rebellious choices.
by Ellen Vora, MD on / Share
I’ve been seeing so many patients on stimulants with refractory digestive issues. I’m beginning to wonder if there’s a connection.
by Ellen Vora, MD on / Share
Here’s a primer on how to approach depression without meds.
by Ellen Vora, MD on / Share
If you feel out of balance, you’re not in crisis, and you haven’t started psychiatric medications, give yourself a month or two to heal yourself the old-fashioned way, with food, sleep, exercise, sunshine, nature, pleasure and fulfillment.