We have a national eating disorder. Perhaps this is because
1. Eat Real Food
2. Avoid Fake Food
3. Listen
by Ellen Vora, MD on / Share
We have a national eating disorder. Perhaps this is because
1. Eat Real Food
2. Avoid Fake Food
3. Listen
by Ellen Vora, MD on / Share
Health all-stars Melissa Hartwig Urban, Rich Roll, Dr. Molly Maloof and I sat down at this year’s mbgRevitalize with their founder + co-CEO, Jason Wachob to debate this topic. Tune into the mbg
by Ellen Vora, MD on / Share
I was honored to join the HtW
by Ellen Vora, MD on / Share
If you’re a woman living in the world today, hormone imbalance is very likely contributing to your mood. Here are a few steps you can take to bring your hormones into better balance and thereby improve depression, anxiety, and mood swings.
by Ellen Vora, MD on / Share
We get so focused on which probiotic to take, whether to take a prebiotic, which herbal antimicrobials to use to treat your SIBO, that we sometimes forget the most important medicine for healing your gut is REST. And the thing that probably damages gut health the most is CHRONIC STRESS.
Need to be convinced by science? When you’re in fight or flight mode, your digestion is compromised. This is your body’s way of triaging– move the blood away from the gut toward your muscles so you can more effectively run from the tiger. Your digestion will resume once you make it to safety. Great, except these days we’re running from the tiger 24/7. Our digestion never properly comes back online.
Meanwhile, the relaxation state of your nervous system is when your digestion is flowing. Relaxation is also when your body does housekeeping and heals injuries, like a damaged gut. Even if you just take 2 minutes to do a breathing exercise right now instead of scrolling Instagram, that would give your gut a 2-minute window to do some healing. Try it out!
by Ellen Vora, MD on / Share
Originally published in Well + Good
There is a direct and powerful relationship between stress and gut health. Stress compromises the health of our digestive tract in a variety of ways.
Learn the gut-health bonuses of staying stress-free.
by Ellen Vora, MD on / Share
My patients frequently report they can’t tolerate gluten in America, but when they’re in Europe, they eat it and feel fine. I have the same experience. A lot of people hear this and say, ‘oh it’s just because you’re relaxed while you’re on vacation in Italy, so that’s why you tolerate pasta there.’ Okay, fair enough, except I put this theory to the test in my own life.
Last year my family traveled for 7 months around the world. I don’t tolerate a drop of gluten in America, but while I was in Italy, Greece, Israel, Hong Kong, Australia
There is something about American gluten that is deranged. The next theory is that it’s the glyphosate (the active ingredient in the pesticide Roundup that we use on our wheat crop more than any other place in the world). I’m all for pointing to glyphosate as the root of all evil, but I’ve tested out this hypothesis in my own body too. Even when I eat organic long-fermented sourdough from the farmers market (100% glyphosate-free) in the US, I still get symptomatic. I will tolerate that less than a gas station croissant in Italy.
So what gives? Some theories I have are that the yeast
by Ellen Vora, MD on / Share
Video by Brut America
by Ellen Vora, MD on / Share
I was recently on the Do The Thing podcast with the amazing Melissa Hartwig Urban discussing diet and lifestyle approaches to treating depression. Melissa got a comment about shaming people for taking meds. Here are my thoughts on the matter:
This is such an important, delicate, nuanced issue. I
by Ellen Vora, MD on / Share
Melissa Hartwig Urban’s Do The Thing Podcast
I joined the incredible Melissa Hartwig Urban for today’s episode of her Do The Thing Podcast. Our discussion is a treasure trove of practical, no-cost actions you can take NOW to improve symptoms of depression without pharmaceutical intervention. From diet to sleep, time in nature to breathwork, tapping to Reiki, I share how just a few small habit changes can make a huge difference in your mental health.