Today we discuss some things I think you should know before taking that first pill.
What To Do If You’re Depressed And Don’t Want To Take Meds
Here’s a primer on how to approach depression without meds.
How To Be Your Own Shrink
If you feel out of balance, you’re not in crisis, and you haven’t started psychiatric medications, give yourself a month or two to heal yourself the old-fashioned way, with food, sleep, exercise, sunshine, nature, pleasure and fulfillment.
7 Things A Sleep Expert Never Travels Without
By Emma Loewembg Sustainability Editor
Though Dr. Ellen Vora’s travel itinerary has slowed down a bit since the birth of her baby girl, the holistic psychiatrist, acupuncturist, yoga teacher, and mbg class instructor still finds time for adventure. Her recent excursions include a food tour through Sicily, a day traversing a mountainside cemetery in rural Japan, a honeymoon, a baby moon, and a first family vacation. So what does the doctor order for healthy, restorative travel? Here’s a peek inside her packing list.

Photo: Miachel Breton
Easy Fixes for Traveler’s Diarrhea and Staying Regular on the Road
A few simple tricks for better digestion when you travel.
Does The Paleo Diet Cause Eating Disorders?
Click-bait title. The answer is: quite the opposite.
What Is It About American Gluten?
So many of my patients tolerate gluten abroad, and feel sick when they eat gluten in the U.S. Here are some possible explanations.
Why Lyme Disease Is On The Rise
Lyme disease has become such a significant problem. Here’s my latest thinking about why it’s on the rise.
The Medicated Generation
I’m deeply disturbed when I reflect on the population-wide experiment of medicating a generation of Americans.
Rebel Health Book Club: Lost Connections by Johann Hari
If you struggle with depression, please check out this incredible book. Run don’t walk.