Struggle to exercise? Time to lower your standards.
A Doctor’s Top 5 Foods for Better Sleep
Originally published in mindbodygreen
Does what we eat really affect our sleep? Short answer: yes. Just as a triple-shot Frappuccino at 9 p.m. would be destructive for your sleep, there are also foods that can help support a good night’s rest.
Here are five great ones I recommend to patients:
How To Travel Better
Preparing to hit the road for 6 months, I’m learning the do’s and don’ts of travel. Here are some take-aways.
The Definition Of Health
Figured I should give some context on how I define health.
Sugar Is As Addictive As Cocaine–And The Withdrawal Is Just As Real. A Doctor Explains Exactly How To Deal With It
Originally published in mindbodygreen
As you know, for tens of thousands of years of human evolution, the hard part was getting enough to survive. These days, in many parts of the world, the hard part is resisting the tray of cookies in the break room, or the second half of the pint of ice cream after you just mindlessly ate the first half. The availability of calories and the challenges to our survival have been flipped upside down. That’s the context you need to realize why your brain loooooves sugar. If you’re on the savannah and barely scraping together enough calories to survive, sugar is like: jackpot.
Could Energy Efficient Lights Be Making You Sad?
This is my pet theory about how cold lighting affects our moods.
Eating As An Act Of Self Love
Feeling overwhelmed by the conflicting headlines on what to eat? Use this one simple compass to navigate food choices.
3 Holistic Techniques You Can Do Now To Feel Less Anxious
Originally published in mindbodygreen

1. Stabilize your blood sugar.
Problem: Anxiety occurs when the body is tripped into the “fight-or-flight mode” or “stress response.” Sometimes the stress response is out of your control, like during a big presentation at work or traffic on your commute, but other times it’s completely preventable. One very common and preventable cause of stress response is low blood sugar. Many of you are already familiar with the experience of feeling “hangry” (hungry/angry). For some people, blood sugar dips cause anxiety. And most of the time these folks aren’t even aware of this connection. If this is you, you can make yourself significantly less anxious by maintaining stable blood sugar.
Found: The Best Anti-Inflammatory Make-Ahead Work Lunches
By Liz Moody – Originally published in mindbodygreen
Sauerkraut with greens and beef
I throw sautéed greens, ground beef, sweet potatoes, and sauerkraut into a bowl and throw it in my bag. The combination of the beneficial bacteria in sauerkraut and the starch in the sweet potatoes (which serves as food for the bacteria) is a great way to repopulate your gut flora with the right bacteria. The greens are packed with antioxidants, and the fatty beef stabilizes your blood sugar, which prevents inflammatory spikes in insulin.
—Ellen Vora, M.D., mbg Collective member and founder of
Weight Loss (part 3)
Four high-yield tips for weight loss.