When you travel, eat the foods that grow in the soil where you are.
“Over-Hungry” – A Lesson I’ve Learned From My 2-Year Old
Having a baby taught me the concept of “overtired,” which has transformed the way I treat insomnia. Now I’ve begun to recognize the existence of “over-hungry.”
Weight Loss (Part 2)
Today we discuss staying ahead of your hunger and the controversial idea of abstaining from the drug-like foods.
13 Steps to Managing Postpartum Sadness, Anxiety & Overwhelm
Original article in mindbodygreen

Image: Holly Clark
The postpartum period is an incredibly vulnerable time. Countless new moms are sitting in their gliders right now, isolated at home, surrounded by spit-up and burp cloths, delirious with sleep deprivation, nerves frayed from the confusing cries of their infants, and feeling overwhelmed, sad, anxious, and alone.
Every time this happens to a new mom, I feel we have failed as a culture. It’s normal to experience the transition of becoming a mom as a complicated mix of joy and an unexpected gut punch, but when a mom is isolated and feeling like her sadness and anxiety are about to swallow her whole, there is more we can be doing to support this mom. Here are the steps I find most helpful in my holistic psychiatry practice…
A Blood Sugar Crash + 4 Other Reasons You’re Waking Up In The Middle Of The Night
Original article on mindbodygreen.

Photo: Michela Ravasio
Waking up in the middle of the night, aka “middle insomnia,” is an extremely common type of insomnia and extremely frustrating for those who suffer from it. This is especially true for those who really try to prioritize sleep and good sleep hygiene; those who did the responsible thing and brushed their teeth, got in bed, fell asleep by 10 p.m.—but now it’s 2 a.m. and they’re wide-awake and wired. What gives?
Insomnia of any kind is a multifactorial issue, deeply related to underlying health issues, and typically can’t be attributed to just one thing. Before you turn to over-the-counter medications or talk to your doctor about a prescription sleep aid, consider these five common causes of middle insomnia…
I’m An Integrative Psychiatrist: Here Are 9 Things I Recommend Before Antidepressants
Link to original article on mindbodygreen.

Photo: Death to Stock
As a culture, we have a total lack of creative thinking when it comes to treating depression. When we or someone we know is depressed, we often think their only two options are prescription psychiatric medications and therapy. And most likely, medication is front of mind. Well, without going into the pros and cons of psychiatric medications, let’s say this: Medication is not the only option when it comes to treating depression. As a holistic psychiatrist, I know firsthand that there are many avenues that often go unexplored.
Should You Bother With All This Crap?
My attempt to answer the question: should you bother…going gluten-free, optimizing your diet, quitting alcohol, quitting coffee. Are these sacrifices worthwhile for you?
Weight Loss (Part 2)
Today we discuss staying ahead of your hunger and the controversial idea of abstaining from the drug-like foods.
How To Be A Paleo Vegetarian (kinda)
If you’re going to eat a vegetarian diet, here are a few harm-reduction principles to keep you as healthy as possible.
A New Reason To Eat Locally
We all know the environmental case for eating locally. What about the physiologic reasons…