This spring I spent 2 days at Disney with my family. For some this is an aspirational vacation; to
For the haters: I get it. There’s a lot to hate–the crowds, the lines, the consumerism, the plastic, the atrocious princess thing that insidiously impacts how little girls understand their role and potential in this world.⠀
There’s also a lot to love. We NEED to play—it’s a salve for what ails us. Disney is an enormous playground, and if you let it, it will coax you into a state of divine play. The picture above is an embarrassing example of this—a grown woman about to take off on Thunder Mountain Railroad (my favorite roller coaster on earth), filled with delight. I never smile as stupidly as that in my daily life.⠀
Disney uses ambient music and fire strategically. These forces work on an energetic and vibrational level. They give prana. Modern life, with its cold
Finally, I love that employees are present. They’re called “cast members” and they stay in character at all times. This applies to Snow White but also the dude serving your (truly disgusting) burger. Nobody is a cell phone zombie, and
I’ll reiterate, Disney can be gross in about a 1000 ways (and I’m sure you can guess my stance on the quality of their food), but I’ll be the first to admit I had a magical 2 days, in spite of a non-napping, blood sugar crashing, overstimulated toddler and hormone-laced burgers.